Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Men Need Encouragement Too

Random Thought..... Ladies...... We are always asking our men to be supportive of us, whether its through our goals we are trying to reach or just doing other things in general. We have to remember that the same thing we ask for we have to be willing to give. There are so many who go out everyday working hard for their family, and come home to a place of no love or support. Just a home of nagging, brutal arguments, and constant let downs. All men are not dogs, just like all women are not garden tools. So let's not compare each other to the next female or male. There are still some GREAT MEN out there women, but you have to make sure you can recognize them when you see them, and not see them through those eyes of hurt and pain that you have been through. Every man definitely at the same, as well as say every woman is not the same. Maybe if we change our words to more positive we could attract like things. Start speaking positive about men....say there are some good men.....and keep saying it to you eventually see it. SPEAK IT TO YOU SEE IT!!! So Ladies.....Support your man through his up's and down's, because whether they every voice it or not they need the encouragement as well.

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