Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Thinking Back
Random Thought....
As a child, we always wanted to grow up. But now we realize that broken toys and lost pencils were much better than broken hearts and lost friends.
Men Need Encouragement Too
Random Thought.....
We are always asking our men to be supportive of us, whether its through our goals we are trying to reach or just doing other things in general.
We have to remember that the same thing we ask for we have to be willing to give. There are so many who go out everyday working hard for their family, and come home to a place of no love or support. Just a home of nagging, brutal arguments, and constant let downs.
All men are not dogs, just like all women are not garden tools. So let's not compare each other to the next female or male. There are still some GREAT MEN out there women, but you have to make sure you can recognize them when you see them, and not see them through those eyes of hurt and pain that you have been through. Every man definitely at the same, as well as say every woman is not the same. Maybe if we change our words to more positive we could attract like things. Start speaking positive about men....say there are some good men.....and keep saying it to you eventually see it. SPEAK IT TO YOU SEE IT!!!
So Ladies.....Support your man through his up's and down's, because whether they every voice it or not they need the encouragement as well.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
My December
My December reminds me of the smell of fresh Christmas Trees, and how the house smells of fresh pine. The Christmas lights dance out in a distance from the small view I can get, and nothing but smiles over powers my face. It makes me think back of when I was kid, and I was so ready for Santa Claus to come. Now I get to sit and watch my kids open their gifts and watch their faces light up with excitement and happiness. The moments I call PRICELESS. I am so much in love with December and it is in love with me.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Beyond Blessed
Sitting here with my morning Frappe thinking about things. It never ceases to amaze me how things can change in the blink of an eye and how relationships and friendships change. A person can hold on to the littlest things, and remain captive to those littlest things. I re-read some of my poems and the amount of emotions I have poured out somehow shocks me. I am beyond blessed for what I have and this morning and I am finally able to say that no matter what. I will fight for what's mine and what matters the most to me.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Various Dimensions To Me
I have so many dimensions to who I am, and each day I tap into those dimensions a little bit more. Come into Lyric worlds where the paint brush is just like my pen and I seem to create scenes and moments in the way I see them in Lyrics World.
Monday, November 28, 2011
My November
My November is sweet and it smells just like my mom's fresh baked sweet potato pie. The fresh air tickles my nose and I close my eyes to take in the moment. The moment of my past hurt and the new gentle breeze of my present leaves me with a new song. I feel just like Shug Avery in Color Purple. I feel like singing, and you can't take my song away. #totallyinharmony
Monday, November 21, 2011
Today Is A New Day
Today Is A New Day
Today is a new day, and yesterday
is just a memory. We can not focus
on the things that went wrong yesterday,
but learn to look forward to new possibilities
of today. We have a chance to make all
our wrongs from yesterday better today.
So remember today is a NEW DAY!!
Use it for good and not for bad!!
Written By: ThaLyricalDiva
Love Was My Everything
MY daughter Acacia never ceases to amaze me. She is has been blessed with the gift of verse as well, and as she write. I smile and tears form, because I can see myself in my child. Thank You Lord!! This is what she wrote. She said, It just came to me ma, but please don't tell no one I wrote it or give me credit. A humble spirit, but I am giving credit where is credit is due. BTW she is 13.
Love Was My Everything
Love was my everything til it hurt me.
Love was my everything when it was the first thing on my mind.
Love was my everything til it could not see me.
Love was my everything when it held me close, like it loved me the most. Love was my everything when it did not let me down.
Love was my everything til it did not hold me close.
Love was my everything til all those nights and days became filled with everlasting frowns.
Love was my everything til it left me in those puddles full of rain.
Love was my everything when it was always there.
Love was my everything when I smiled and it smiled at me.
Love was my everything when I laughed it laughed backed at me.
Love was my everything when I hugged it; it hugged me back like it was our last hug. It always made me smile. It always made me laugh.
Love was my everything.
Written By: Acacia Da’Jzhane Clyburn
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Can We Go Back Part 1
Can We Go Back
Children have a special place within my heart and this is written for all my little girls who feel as though don't have a voice and that it's best to go un-noticed amongst the crowd. I want you to know that I see you and if no one ever tells you please remember that I think every little girls is special and beautiful. My heart goes out for each little girl who has been looked down upon, abused verbally, emotionally, physically, and sexually. I ask you to begin to lift your chin up, stand straight up, and put a smile on your face and tell the world that Lyric says that you are more than a Conqueror and you are a Kings child which makes you nothing but Princesses'.
I wish we could go back to when little girls acted as little girls. Where ponytails were seen as cute and pretty and age appropriate. Where it was okay to play with Barbie Dolls and cook on the Easy Bake Oven. When the idea of fun was playing hop scotch, and 1 2 3 Green Light.
Now we are in a time where Barbie has been replaced with actual babies, and we have babies raising babies. Where little girls are taking on the roles of adults, and becoming lost. Lost in giving themselves to anyone and not realizing there is a cost to pay. The cost of a broken spirit and mind. Not understanding that every time they lay in the arms of another man they are taking something away from themselves. Our little girls are suffering and they are hungry. Hungry for love, affection, attention, and to just hear that someone cares.
We never take in account what that child endures on a daily basis. We don't get to sit in her home and see how her mom and dad treats her. We have no idea if she has four or five play uncles. We don't know if someone has taken advantage of her and left her broken. We don't know, because we never take the time to observe, sit, talk, and listen. We automatically begin to criticize what we see. Often times we forget to say," There Go I", because that same girl could have been you and still can be you. It can be someone who is close to you. We have to begin to love again, and take on that notion that it does take a village to raise a child, and that village is US!!
So can we go back to when little girls acted like little girls and it was okay to play with Barbie Dolls and cook on the Easy Bake Oven. When the idea of fun was hop scotch and 1 2 3 Green Light.
Written By: Tha Lyrical Diva aka Lyric
Children have a special place within my heart and this is written for all my little girls who feel as though don't have a voice and that it's best to go un-noticed amongst the crowd. I want you to know that I see you and if no one ever tells you please remember that I think every little girls is special and beautiful. My heart goes out for each little girl who has been looked down upon, abused verbally, emotionally, physically, and sexually. I ask you to begin to lift your chin up, stand straight up, and put a smile on your face and tell the world that Lyric says that you are more than a Conqueror and you are a Kings child which makes you nothing but Princesses'.
I wish we could go back to when little girls acted as little girls. Where ponytails were seen as cute and pretty and age appropriate. Where it was okay to play with Barbie Dolls and cook on the Easy Bake Oven. When the idea of fun was playing hop scotch, and 1 2 3 Green Light.
Now we are in a time where Barbie has been replaced with actual babies, and we have babies raising babies. Where little girls are taking on the roles of adults, and becoming lost. Lost in giving themselves to anyone and not realizing there is a cost to pay. The cost of a broken spirit and mind. Not understanding that every time they lay in the arms of another man they are taking something away from themselves. Our little girls are suffering and they are hungry. Hungry for love, affection, attention, and to just hear that someone cares.
We never take in account what that child endures on a daily basis. We don't get to sit in her home and see how her mom and dad treats her. We have no idea if she has four or five play uncles. We don't know if someone has taken advantage of her and left her broken. We don't know, because we never take the time to observe, sit, talk, and listen. We automatically begin to criticize what we see. Often times we forget to say," There Go I", because that same girl could have been you and still can be you. It can be someone who is close to you. We have to begin to love again, and take on that notion that it does take a village to raise a child, and that village is US!!
So can we go back to when little girls acted like little girls and it was okay to play with Barbie Dolls and cook on the Easy Bake Oven. When the idea of fun was hop scotch and 1 2 3 Green Light.
Written By: Tha Lyrical Diva aka Lyric
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Dangerously Clueless, While Remaining Genuine
Sometimes Words are Never Enough.. So you SAY nothing.. Sometimes Actions are never enough so YOU do nothing.. Sometimes Actions Speak louder than words but they are never one in the same.. At times you try to place yourself in someone else's shoes knowing they will never fit. Most times you continue to give some people the benefit of the doubt even when there is reasonable doubt. When your gut is in pain because the feeling is so strong it hurts but u continue to ignore it ..say it isn't so. You know one thing remains true they're talkin to someone on the daily when that someone use to be you. Why do we put ourselves in harm's way? Why do we give all of ourselves to those who have proven unworthy .. why do we continue to sacrifice where there is no love ? Because we love.. and LOVE IS ONLY AN ABILITY Love is the topic where the descriptions of why are subtopics..I dare you to make an outline next to a list of pro's and Con's..Of PROS AND CONS...OF ~ PROS. OF CONS. I wrote a piece in my book.. titled "The Con Artist" ...as he continues to Paint.......oh what a tangled web we weave
by ShanTa Eyewurks Monroe
Oh what a tangled web weaved! power, pleasure, pain ... sometimes actions speak louder than words and words speak louder than actions ... sometimes the "WHY" never gets answered no matter how many times u ask the " WHY' will b just that WHY? ... love is pain, pain is love ... we continue this cycle in hopes someone can truly be compatible with u in every way ... so we open up our mind, body and soul even thou we said we wouldn't after the last heartbreak an pain we put ourselves in arms way because we have a heart, faith an strength ... we give ourselves hoping that people will be adults and not hurt u in anyway an we sacrifice ... but then something happens ... hurt, pain and sadness leaving you with pieces to pick up and lots of tears How much can you cry till the water runs dry how many times do u hit yourself over the head an blame yourself for what went wrong you have fallen into the victim ... love is blind to ALL the rules of engagement SUBTOPTICS YES lots of them ... simple things turn into complex things ... complex things turn into a nightmare an than u wake up ... where is the RAINBOW after the storm when will u see it? when do u see your Happily Ever After? When an Why may never get answered ... all u can do is LIVE each day as it comes ... in hopes the SUNSHINE will shine in the dark ... Dangerously Clueless .. while remaining Genuine ...
Sincerely Lisa Marie Pigford
Dangerously clueless ........While remaining genuine. Sitting here loading more but its taking too long, So I scroll my way back up and then try to ram my way through ..... to my Happily Ever After. My Happily Ever After is that of a Fairy Tale...something Walt Disney embedded in us when were mere toddlers. I never met my prince charming...and the rainbow was covered up by mass thunderstorms of lies, deceit, hurt, pain, and tears. Lying here crying but realizing I have cried myself a river, and there's no one here to catch the overflow. I never saw that Prince charming. I was only greeted by the pretender, the monster in the closet, the abuser, and the famous oh so brave user. He used me for my knowledge, my gifts, my talents, and even used me for my love, but didn't understand why it came back to him barren. Ha ! you gotta appreciate the user. Taught at a young age by his loving father that it is okay to play outside as long as you don't get dirty and (winks). Not realizing that its a mother on the next street corner ...who has told her baby daughter.... that it is okay to give away the goodies.... as long as she is getting something in return. Set up to fail..... before even taking on this journey.... we call life. Can't even begin to put a subject with a verb and construct a sentence......but can tell you how to get over on a man or a woman. Tick Tick Tick ...ticking bombs they are, because this is when the game gets dirty and we no longer have players but also playettes. , who have mastered the game of cunnery. They con you of your heart, your love, and dreams to a point you pour yourself into them. Often looking back wondering where did I GO? I became them. I was no longer You or I. you were replaced by things you do instead of the love you give. I is not even a person no more. We are left here thinking about the calculated risks....the pros and cons....and the subtopics. We have now become drenched in our Why's...of why's of hurt, pain, and love, but never stopped to turn around and realize that woman or man could have been you. See that little boy or little girl did not have a choice who their father or mother was going to be. They did not know life lessons would be so hard and would be played at such high stakes .....that it would make them feel so unworthy of love that they would just hurt people before they can hurt them. Sad to say but our playas and playettes have grown into adults and they have mastered their skills, because they still have us asking the question of WHY? Why so many hearts you break? Why so many hearts you manipulate? Why so many hearts you want to grow cold? Why? Then the little boy and little girls whispers to me, "Why no one ever saved me?" Once again all the words go UNSPOKEN and things are left to the UNKNOWN!! by Rikethia ThaLyricalDiva Clyburn
by ShanTa Eyewurks Monroe
Oh what a tangled web weaved! power, pleasure, pain ... sometimes actions speak louder than words and words speak louder than actions ... sometimes the "WHY" never gets answered no matter how many times u ask the " WHY' will b just that WHY? ... love is pain, pain is love ... we continue this cycle in hopes someone can truly be compatible with u in every way ... so we open up our mind, body and soul even thou we said we wouldn't after the last heartbreak an pain we put ourselves in arms way because we have a heart, faith an strength ... we give ourselves hoping that people will be adults and not hurt u in anyway an we sacrifice ... but then something happens ... hurt, pain and sadness leaving you with pieces to pick up and lots of tears How much can you cry till the water runs dry how many times do u hit yourself over the head an blame yourself for what went wrong you have fallen into the victim ... love is blind to ALL the rules of engagement SUBTOPTICS YES lots of them ... simple things turn into complex things ... complex things turn into a nightmare an than u wake up ... where is the RAINBOW after the storm when will u see it? when do u see your Happily Ever After? When an Why may never get answered ... all u can do is LIVE each day as it comes ... in hopes the SUNSHINE will shine in the dark ... Dangerously Clueless .. while remaining Genuine ...
Sincerely Lisa Marie Pigford
Dangerously clueless ........While remaining genuine. Sitting here loading more but its taking too long, So I scroll my way back up and then try to ram my way through ..... to my Happily Ever After. My Happily Ever After is that of a Fairy Tale...something Walt Disney embedded in us when were mere toddlers. I never met my prince charming...and the rainbow was covered up by mass thunderstorms of lies, deceit, hurt, pain, and tears. Lying here crying but realizing I have cried myself a river, and there's no one here to catch the overflow. I never saw that Prince charming. I was only greeted by the pretender, the monster in the closet, the abuser, and the famous oh so brave user. He used me for my knowledge, my gifts, my talents, and even used me for my love, but didn't understand why it came back to him barren. Ha ! you gotta appreciate the user. Taught at a young age by his loving father that it is okay to play outside as long as you don't get dirty and (winks). Not realizing that its a mother on the next street corner ...who has told her baby daughter.... that it is okay to give away the goodies.... as long as she is getting something in return. Set up to fail..... before even taking on this journey.... we call life. Can't even begin to put a subject with a verb and construct a sentence......but can tell you how to get over on a man or a woman. Tick Tick Tick ...ticking bombs they are, because this is when the game gets dirty and we no longer have players but also playettes. , who have mastered the game of cunnery. They con you of your heart, your love, and dreams to a point you pour yourself into them. Often looking back wondering where did I GO? I became them. I was no longer You or I. you were replaced by things you do instead of the love you give. I is not even a person no more. We are left here thinking about the calculated risks....the pros and cons....and the subtopics. We have now become drenched in our Why's...of why's of hurt, pain, and love, but never stopped to turn around and realize that woman or man could have been you. See that little boy or little girl did not have a choice who their father or mother was going to be. They did not know life lessons would be so hard and would be played at such high stakes .....that it would make them feel so unworthy of love that they would just hurt people before they can hurt them. Sad to say but our playas and playettes have grown into adults and they have mastered their skills, because they still have us asking the question of WHY? Why so many hearts you break? Why so many hearts you manipulate? Why so many hearts you want to grow cold? Why? Then the little boy and little girls whispers to me, "Why no one ever saved me?" Once again all the words go UNSPOKEN and things are left to the UNKNOWN!! by Rikethia ThaLyricalDiva Clyburn
I'm Going To Be Me
I wish people would understand their opinion of me does not make me or break me, discourage me, nor intimadate me. I am a great mother, daughter, niece, cousin, and friend. However beyond that I a great woman that loves God and appreciates life through the bad and good.
My Desire
I believe that God created us for His pleasure, to praise Him, to love Him, to glorify Him. And writing is a desire He planted in my soul to praise Him with, whatever the subject may be, be it joy in a simple flower, love in an embrace or the pure innocence of a child's tear. Much like a dancer who dances for God, my pencil writes for Him in joy and sorrow, exhortation and exultation writing is my prayer. It is my praise to God. And strangely, it is while doing my simplest, most unstudied works that I felt Him smile over my shoulder!!
I smile because guess what God ain't through with me Yet...Brand New Mercies Everyday!!
I smile because guess what God ain't through with me Yet...Brand New Mercies Everyday!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Can You Stimulate My Mind? (Female Version)
Can you stimulate my mind, seducing me with countless hours of intellect foreplay? A s we lay next to the fireplace making love with just words yeah that’s my mental drug. Kissing and stroking my intellect with that poetic dialect. Penetrating my mind to where my panties get wet, my nipples get hard, and that clit throbs for more words of mental stimulation. Can you stimulate my mind helping me to reach my mental climax a hundred times by getting deeper and deeper inside the center of my psyche? Can you make me feel your reply….shhh don’t tell me but show me that I’m all up in your head because words are so easily said. I want to bring out the inner word freak in you as I stroke your mind leaving you with mental intimacy, see you ain’t ready for me. Let me nibble on you with these soft spoken words as I get you to see this how you make love to a woman mentally.
Can you stimulate my mind?
I Can Stimulate YOUR Mind??? (Male Version)
I can stimulate my mind, body and soul, seduce you with the essence of a REAL man, hold, you unconscious for hours with intellectual foreplay, let’s stay, within this realm of bliss and block out the whole day. As we lay next to the fireplace making love, tender touches on your skin with just words, what a drug. Kissing and stroking your intellect, in retrospect, this dream couldn’t seem more real, so let’s reflect. As I penetrate your mind, to help you unwind, the stress of yesterday will loosen with time. Your panties may get wet, nipples may get hard, and your clit may throb, that means I’m doing my job. Mental stimulating your body internally, causing exertions of joy, externally. I can stimulate your mind, to climax a hundred times, by going deeper and deeper with this rhyme watch me climb, deep inside the center of your psyche, make you want to bite me, the temptation is too mighty, I can make you feel my reply….shhh, why ask why , when you know your deserving of a smooth love-by. I want to bring out the inner word freak in you, using some of your own words to bring forth the true, mental intimacy, are you missing me, your temp is on boil, three hundred and sixty, ....I see you ain’t ready for me. You want a nibble, I want the meal, so what is the deal, sending passionate poems like I’m suppose to chill, and be so impressed by your soft spoken words, when I can tantalize you soul with nouns, adjectives and verbs. I can show you, better than I can tell you, how to love a woman mentally, just give me your hand and let me express what this poem meant to me.
Written By: MADness
Can you stimulate my mind, seducing me with countless hours of intellect foreplay? A s we lay next to the fireplace making love with just words yeah that’s my mental drug. Kissing and stroking my intellect with that poetic dialect. Penetrating my mind to where my panties get wet, my nipples get hard, and that clit throbs for more words of mental stimulation. Can you stimulate my mind helping me to reach my mental climax a hundred times by getting deeper and deeper inside the center of my psyche? Can you make me feel your reply….shhh don’t tell me but show me that I’m all up in your head because words are so easily said. I want to bring out the inner word freak in you as I stroke your mind leaving you with mental intimacy, see you ain’t ready for me. Let me nibble on you with these soft spoken words as I get you to see this how you make love to a woman mentally.
Can you stimulate my mind?
I Can Stimulate YOUR Mind??? (Male Version)
I can stimulate my mind, body and soul, seduce you with the essence of a REAL man, hold, you unconscious for hours with intellectual foreplay, let’s stay, within this realm of bliss and block out the whole day. As we lay next to the fireplace making love, tender touches on your skin with just words, what a drug. Kissing and stroking your intellect, in retrospect, this dream couldn’t seem more real, so let’s reflect. As I penetrate your mind, to help you unwind, the stress of yesterday will loosen with time. Your panties may get wet, nipples may get hard, and your clit may throb, that means I’m doing my job. Mental stimulating your body internally, causing exertions of joy, externally. I can stimulate your mind, to climax a hundred times, by going deeper and deeper with this rhyme watch me climb, deep inside the center of your psyche, make you want to bite me, the temptation is too mighty, I can make you feel my reply….shhh, why ask why , when you know your deserving of a smooth love-by. I want to bring out the inner word freak in you, using some of your own words to bring forth the true, mental intimacy, are you missing me, your temp is on boil, three hundred and sixty, ....I see you ain’t ready for me. You want a nibble, I want the meal, so what is the deal, sending passionate poems like I’m suppose to chill, and be so impressed by your soft spoken words, when I can tantalize you soul with nouns, adjectives and verbs. I can show you, better than I can tell you, how to love a woman mentally, just give me your hand and let me express what this poem meant to me.
Written By: MADness
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Alone in a dark room with no light in the distance.
Feeling incomplete, empty, torn.
Thinking of the things that we shared that once was.
Yet you left me
Silent, destitute, barren,
Overdrawn by these countless hours of thinking about you
loving you, dreaming of you, making love to you.
Yet you left me
Longing for your warm embrace, just your gentle touch.
Or even for that masculine raspy voice, of how you use to
call out my name. Yet you left me
As my heart aches and my soul breaks.
I realize that I'm lost. Lost in you, lost in our yesterday
lost in our future of what could have been.
Left feeling outraged, afflicted, inadequate.
Yet you left me
Looking for the light, but overtaken by the darkness
of souls never reuniting.
my spirit left dying....crying
Yet you left me
Feeling incomplete, empty, torn.
Thinking of the things that we shared that once was.
Yet you left me
Silent, destitute, barren,
Overdrawn by these countless hours of thinking about you
loving you, dreaming of you, making love to you.
Yet you left me
Longing for your warm embrace, just your gentle touch.
Or even for that masculine raspy voice, of how you use to
call out my name. Yet you left me
As my heart aches and my soul breaks.
I realize that I'm lost. Lost in you, lost in our yesterday
lost in our future of what could have been.
Left feeling outraged, afflicted, inadequate.
Yet you left me
Looking for the light, but overtaken by the darkness
of souls never reuniting.
my spirit left dying....crying
Yet you left me
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